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  • Top 5 Affordable Cufflinks Styles for Men

    06,02,2014  /  Author : Charlene

    It seems to be a perfect option for men to add a nice pair of cufflinks to the sleeves. Yes, cufflinks can date back to the 16th century but they are still fashionable today. There are an endless amount of different cufflink styles available, so you search for the styles that are prevalent. A collection of cufflinks does not have to be expensive. Therefore, to get the styles that your customers will like, try the following five styles highly recommended without breaking the budget.

  • Top 5 International Cuff Links

    05,21,2014  /  Author : Cufflinks Guides

    Cufflinks add a polished look to a nice outfit, but that doesn't mean that you must own only diamond and gold cuff links. Novelty cuff links bring brevity to a workday ensemble or a formal outfit. Like other pieces of men's jewelry, novelty cuff links allow you to express your interests and put a stamp on anything you wear. Consider these styles when shopping for men's jewelry.

  • How To Wear unique Cufflinks

    05,18,2014  /  Author : Cufflinks Guides

    Cuff links have been around since the 17th century, and these handy pieces of jewelry can complete an outfit. Cuff links can also be worn like other men's jewelry to showcase a man's interests and add to a basic men's fashion ensemble. When you are shopping for men's jewelry and men's fashion accessories, you will find many interesting and unusual cuff links to add to your collection or give as a gift. Novelty cuff links are entertaining, and uniquely shaped cuff links are eye-catching. You can wear unusual cuff links fashionably when you follow a few basic accessorizing and jewelry tips.

  • How to wear cufflinks in a right way

    05,18,2014  /  Author : Cufflinks Guides

    As men's accessories, cuff links are both fashionable and functional. These pieces of men's jewelry take the place of buttons on French-cuff shirts to fasten the cuffs and add decoration. If you are new to the world of men's fashion and men's jewelry, you might not know how to purchase and wear cuff links. Cuff links should add to your ensemble, but not detract from the other aspects of your look. Use these tips to buy and wear men's jewelry with style.

  • How To Wear unique Cufflinks

    05,16,2014  /  Author : Cufflinks Guides

    Cuff links have been around since the 17th century, and these handy pieces of jewelry can complete an outfit. Cuff links can also be worn like other men's jewelry to showcase a man's interests and add to a basic men's fashion ensemble. When you are shopping for men's jewelry and men's fashion accessories, you will find many interesting and unusual cuff links to add to your collection or give as a gift. Novelty cuff links are entertaining, and uniquely shaped cuff links are eye-catching. You can wear unusual cuff links fashionably when you follow a few basic accessorizing and jewelry tips.

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