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  • What ARE the Birthstones for December?

    06,30,2014  /  Author : Charlene

    You may ask what the birthstone is for December. Err...Maybe we should ask what the birthstones are for December. This is because the fact that there are many birthstones of December. Therefore, you do have so much to learn about these different birthstones.

  • Topaz - the Birthstone for November

    06,29,2014  /  Author : Charlene

    November birthstone – topaz can catch the notice easily. Different colors and attractive luster of them make them very popular. They therefore were used in the manufacturing of jewelry and other various decorative items. To help you choose the best topaz jewelry, use the following guides to make informative decision.

  • Diamond - the Birthstone of the April

    06,26,2014  /  Author : Charlene

    Birthstone jewelry is a sweet way for people to market the milestone and the wearers believe that the birthstone jewelry can always give them something different. Then what the birthstone is in April? That answer is DIAMOND, born in the US and Britain as well as in India. Believed to bring good luck and protect its wearer from misfortune, diamond jewelry has been being the ladies’ best friends all the time. 

  • Garnet - the Birthstone of January

    06,26,2014  /  Author : Charlene

    Garnet with the resembling color of the red and seed-like form of this fruit is regarded as a red gemstone. In fact, it exists in all kinds of colors, such as black, many shades of red and green or even colorless. Symbolized the light heart, loyalty and enduring affections, garnet has been seemed as the January’ birthstone.

  • What is August Birthstone

    05,21,2014  /  Author : Birthstone Jewelry Guides

    The birthstones for August are a light green semiprecious stone called a peridot and a form of onyx called a sardonyx. Peridot is an olive-green stone similar to an emerald. Sardonyx is a form of onyx with a red hue. Peridot and sardonyx are made into a variety of jewelry pieces, including earrings, bracelets, rings and pendants and both make beautiful additions to any jewelry collection.


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