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  • What is May Birthstone

    05,15,2014  /  Author : Birthstone Jewelry Guides

    The birthstone for May is the emerald. This green gem is quite valuable and has a rich history. From the Irish to the Egyptians, emeralds have been treasured by many ancient and modern groups. Emerald jewelry is popular, and May birthstone jewelry options such as emerald rings and bracelets offer a wide range of choices.


  • What is March Birthstone

    05,15,2014  /  Author : Birthstone Jewelry Guides

    The traditional birthstone for March is the aquamarine. This stone, with its clear blue hue, is especially suited for the blue skies of spring. Medieval Europeans believed that the aquamarine could reignite marital passion and protect soldiers in times of war. March birthstone jewelry such as aquamarine rings, necklaces and earrings with shimmering oceanic gems bring a touch of romance to any outfit. Wear aquamarine jewelry day or night.

  • What is June Birthstone

    05,15,2014  /  Author : Birthstone Jewelry Guides

    Individuals with June birthdays have the option of choosing between three beautiful June birthstones: pearls, moonstones and alexandrites. Known for their luster, pearls can be mounted in rings, earrings, pins and gorgeous pearl necklaces. Moonstones have a romantic iridescence and can be carved or polished and set into almost any piece of jewelry. Alexandrites are most often purple with red or blue undertones and have a rich and colorful history. Each of these gems looks lovely in June birthstone jewelry, but which birthstone is right for you? Use these facts to make choosing beautiful June birthstone jewelry a personal affair.

  • What is July Birthstone

    05,15,2014  /  Author : Birthstone Jewelry Guides

    July's birthstones bring rich reds and oranges to the birthstone jewelry world. Rubies and carnelians are the traditional July birthstone options, and both lovely gems make bold statements in birthstone jewelry selections such as rings, necklaces, earrings and pins. The ruby ranges in hue from pink to deep red and is symbolic of passion, love and strong emotion. The carnelian is typically bright rust orange, but it can also be red or light orange and is believed to give the wearer serene feelings. Both rubies and carnelians are stunning when set into July birthstone jewelry pieces.

  • What is February Birthstone

    05,15,2014  /  Author : Birthstone Jewelry Guides

    Those with February birthdays have an excuse to indulge in gorgeous pieces of jewelry. Birthstone jewelry selections for the month of February showcase beautiful gems: amethyst and onyx. Amethysts are typically purple, though green amethyst gems are also available and offer a unique February birthstone choice. Amethyst birthstone jewelry offers a royal and mystical look and can be worn daily. If you are interested in birthstone jewelry that is slightly unconventional, consider February's alternative birthstone, the onyx. Shiny black onyx gemstones are available in a variety of February birthstone jewelry pieces. Choose amethyst jewelry or onyx birthstone jewelry for yourself or as a gift.

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